Monday, November 30, 2009

kurdele nakışı salon takımı

salon takımı 'nı büyütmek için resmin üzerine tıklayınız

salon örtülerinden kurdele nakışı salon takımı.bakarmısınız kurdela nakışı 'nın güzelliğine.çok itinalı işlemiş benim arkadaşım.elerine sağlık Ayşe.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dragon Ball Z Papercraft: Scouter

A scouter is a device commonly worn by soldiers in the Dragon Ball Z animated series. Scouters perform numerous functions including power level readings of opponents and interstellar communication. The papercraft scouter pictured above is a modification by deviantART member Ryo007 of a template located here. Ryo007's version has a larger lens than the original and may be downloaded here.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Marvel Comics Papercraft: Galactus Cubee

Another one of those fantastic comic book characters created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby, Galactus is a giant being described in the pages of one Marvel comic book as "the most awesome living entity in the cosmos". To befit Galactus' titanic stature, deviantART member Viper005 has created a king size custom Cubee papercraft which is greater than twice the size of a usual Cubee (see the blank normal size Cubee in the photo for comparison). The two page template for this Galactus Cubee may be found here.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Candy Corn Gift Box Papercraft

Halloween is past, but since it is still candy corn season I couldn't pass up posting this cute papercraft. :) This is a glue-less gift box that is held together only by a ribbon at the top. I think it would be cool to put some real candy corn inside some of these boxes and give them away on Thanksgiving Day tomorrow (Happy Thanksgiving! BTW). This candy corn box was created by deviatART user "Soupcomplex". The template is located here.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


tüm ziyaretçilerimizin ve milletimizin kurban bayramını kutlarım.bayramların kardeşlik ve mutlulukları pekiştirdiği günlerdir.Mutluluklar sizlerle olsun.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Goonies Papercraft: Copper Bones

I have had this papercraft sitting on the back burner for quite some time, but last weekend I finally got it finished and ready to post. The Goonies has over the years become something of a cult movie classic. This papercraft is of the "copper bones", a skull shaped key that the kids in the movie make use of to find a pirate treasure. Details of the template are as follows:

Scale: 1:1
Finished Size: 6.25" (15.9 cm)
Number of sheets: 1
Number of parts: 10
Difficulty: 1/5

Special thanks once again to Indy Magnoli at for his help in producing this papercraft.

Related Papercraft:

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Kasnak işi şal modelleri

şal modelleri 'ni büyütmek için resmin üzerine tıklayınız

bu şal modeli aşağıda görülen yuvarlak kasnak ile yapılıyor.şal modeli'nin çiçek motifi kasnak ile çıkarılarak daha sonra şal a monte edilerek örülüyor.zaten resimde şal 'ın çiçek motifinin yapılışıda gösterilmiş durumda.kasnakta uzak ve yakın ip tutucular bulunuyor.ip onlara takılarak dolanıyor ve çiçek motifi ortaya çıkıyor.bu şal modelleri 'ni ulukışlada annemin komşusu Zehra teyzenin kızı yapmış.bu arada modellik yapanda benim tabiki.ellerine sağlık diyoruz el örgüleri için ona.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Blue Angels Fighter Jet Papercraft

When I was young, my dad took me to see the Blue Angels Aerobatic Team, so I had to smile when I saw this papercraft. The jet which the Blue Angels used in the late 50's and mid-60's was the F11F Tiger. The F11F was the second aircraft of the U.S. Navy with supersonic capabilities and also the first fighter known to have caught up with the bullets of its own gun. The template for this F11F (as well many other 1:60 scale aircraft by German designer Christoph Stahl) may be found here.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Star Wars Papercraft: RPG Holocron

Occasionally people who play roleplaying games (RPG) like to create props to enhance their game play experience. Such was the case when Wizards of the Coast forum member Ironlightsaber created this papercraft Jedi holocron for a campaign he wrote for the Star War Miniatures RPG. This cube shaped holocron was designed to be put together without glue, but for the one I built I went ahead and glued it anyway so that the seams would be tighter. Look for the holocron template near the bottom of the page here.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Yeni dantel modelleri

dantel modelleri 'ni büyütmek için resmin üzerine tıklayınız

çok canlı bir dantel modeli .pembe ve beyaz dantel ipleri ile yapılmış ve renk uyumu çok iyi değilmi.dikdörtgen şeklindeki bu dantel modelleri salonda değişik yerlerde kullanılabiliyor. tabiki salon dantelleri ni sizler kare şeklindede yapabilirsiniz zevkinize göre.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Architecture Papercraft: Cape Cod Art Studio

Illustrator Bob Staake designed an art studio building for himself which he then had built near his 200 year old house in Chatham, Massachusetts. The Cape Cod Style studio features a cupola on top that acts as a skylight to provide natural light to the workspace inside. This papercraft model of the art studio was done by Mr. Staake himself.  It is quite small as you can see by the nickel placed next to the model for reference. A copy of the one page, three piece template may be downloaded here.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Viking Sea Chest Papercraft

This papercraft was created from archaeological drawings of the Hedeby sea chest, an actual Viking artifact. Created by Lodin, a member of the Fjellborg Viking Reenactor Society in Colorado, the paper model was originally put together as a design aid when he was in the process of building a life size functional wooden model of the chest. Photos of the finished wooden chest and also a download of the paper model template may be found here.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

yeni havlu kenarı dantelleri

aslında bu havlu kenarı örneğini mutfak havlu kenarlarındada kullanabilirsiniz.bazı yerlerde ispanyol eteği modelide deniyor.bu dantel örnekleri 'ni gönderen hava hanıma teşekkürlerimizi bir borç biliriz.daha dantel modelleri 'nden varmı hava abla.bekleriz onagöre. :) :) :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ghostbusters Papercraft: PKE Meter & Ghost Trap

DeviantART user Cyberdrone has done some creative reworking of the glue-less Cubee paper toy template to create some awesome Ghostbusters movie props. On the left is a psycho kinetic energy (PKE) meter which the Ghostbusters use to detect the presence of ghosts. On the right is a ghost trap used to contain ghosts after they are captured. Check out these and other custom Ghostbusters Cubee creations on Cyberdrone's page here.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

NASA Papercraft: ARES Mars Airplane

The folks at NASA are working on a pilot-less, rocket-powered airplane to perform an Aerial Regional-scale Environmental Survey of Mars ("ARES" for short). If eventually deployed, the ARES Mars Airplane will record information previously unobtainable on the atmosphere, surface and interior of Mars. The ARES design team has posted a 1:36 scale papercraft version of the Mars Airplane that actually flies. Look at the bottom of the page here to find the template.

Related Posts
Space Shuttle Papercraft

Lunar Module Papercraft

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

masa danteli modelleri

işte dantel .Ayşe hanımdan birtanede masa danteli.çok şık bir dantel örneği sizlere sunar.biliyorum daha çok dantel modelleri yollayacak ve ben sizleri bu danteller ile buluşturacağım.ellerine sağlık .teşekkür ederiz .devamını bekleriz ona göre Ayşe hanım.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Harry Potter Papercraft: Death Eater Mask #7

Here is the final mask in the Death Eater mask series. Some officially licensed product manufacturers list masks similar to this one as "Bellatrix's mask" while other sources indicate that a mask design like my papercraft Death Eater Mask #1 is the mask of Bellatrix Lestrange. If there is a Harry Potter fan out there who can clear up this discrepancy, please let me know. :) The template for Mask #7 may be downloaded here.

Related Mask Papercraft
Death Eater Mask #6
Kanonashi (No Face) Mask
Silver Surfer Mask
Carnage Mask

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Burger King Paper Toy

From television commercials, you are probably familiar with Burger King's advertising mascot, "The King". Well, here is a paper toy version of the mischievous fellow. The creation of deviantART member "Archer-1", this papercraft king has been carefully detailed to match the features of the original King right down to each piece of jewelry. If you should feel like making a King of your own, the four piece template is located here. Hmm, strange, I suddenly feel the urge to go buy a Whopper. :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

İğne oyası modelleri

işte dayanamam iğne oyaları 'na.hele birde böyle rengarenk olursa .okadar canlı renklerle yapılmışki sanki benim özel zevkime göre.Niğde/ulukışla 'dan Serap hanım iğne oyası modelleri için çok teşekkür ediyoruz.ellerinize sağlık.bu siteye okadar çok katkıda bulundunuzki ,sizlerin sayesinde renklendi bu site.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

One Year Anniversary!

Today marks the first anniversary of Tektonten Papercraft! Above is a photo of a shelf in my office where I keep some of the papercraft I have built in the past year. Seven of the papercraft models shown were designed by me while the rest were built from templates downloaded from the Internet. I thought I would take this occasion to share some of the stats for Tektonten Papercraft's first year...

  • Number of page views: just under 500,000
  • Number of downloads of my papercraft designs: 36,000 and counting
  • Number of original papercraft designs: 41

The top ten most popular papercraft I created from November 2008 to September 2009 (based on average downloads per day) are:

--------Papercraft----------------Days Posted-------Avg. Downloads / day--------
1) Death Eater Mask #1................46.......................20.7
2) Death Eater Mask #2................40.......................13.4
3) Full Size Tron Helmet...............104.......................9.9
4) HAL9000 Interface..................353.......................8.9
5) Spider-Man Mask....................190.......................8.1
6) Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer............345.......................7.5
7) Kanonashi (No Face) Mask..........287.......................7.1
8) Klingon Knife.........................141.......................6.8
9) Tron Bit (No).........................304.......................6.7
10) Uruk-hai Sword.....................196.......................6.2

Here's a big "Thank you!" to everyone who supported my efforts in the past year. God willing, I am looking forward to another productive year of papercrafting fun.
-Chris at Tektonten Papercraft

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jeep Cherokee Papercraft

I don't want to use the word "obsessed", but Japanese papercrafter Masanori Shimozato is definitely enthusiastic about Jeep Cherokees. Shimozato's papercraft webpage has models of what appears to be every color and trim package available for the 1996 Jeep Cherokee (and that includes both the US and Japanese versions of the vehicle!). To download a template of one of the 47 different Cherokees, take a look here.

Monday, November 2, 2009

vitrin takımı örnekleri

Konya 'dan Ankara 'ya yeni taşınan arkadaşım Ayşe hanımın ellerinden bir vitrin takımı örnekleri sizlerle paylaşıyor.çok güzel bir dantel örneği sizlerin beğenisine sunuluyor.teşekkürler Ayşe hanım ellerinize sağlık.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Harry Potter Papercraft: Death Eater Mask #6

Only one more papercraft Death Eater mask to go in the series after this one... This mask is based on a photograph of a metal mask like mask #3. Full size and half size templates are available here. In case you missed the five previous masks, they can be found through the following links:

Death Eater Mask #5
Death Eater Mask #4
Death Eater Mask #3
Death Eater Mask #2
Death Eater Mask #1